Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Recent Advances in Selective and Irreversible Covalent Ligand Development and Validation

Tinghu Zhang, John M. Hatcher, Mingxing Teng, Nathanael S. Gray, Milka Kostic

Cell Chemical Biology, 2019
doi: 10.1002/wcms.1446

Some of the most widely used drugs, such as aspirin and penicillin, are covalent drugs. Covalent binding can improve potency, selectivity, and duration of the effects, but the intrinsic reactivity represents a potential liability and may result in idiosyncratic toxicity. For decades, the cons were believed to outweigh the pros, and covalent targeting was deprioritized in drug discovery. Recently, several covalent inhibitors have been approved for cancer treatment, thus rebooting the field. In this review, we briefly reflect on the history of selective covalent targeting, and provide a comprehensive overview of emerging developments from a chemical biology stand-point. Our discussion will reflect on efforts to validate irreversible covalent ligands, expand the scope of targets, and discover new ligands and warheads. We conclude with a brief commentary of remaining limitations and emerging opportunities in selective covalent targeting.

Lysine-Targeted Covalent Inhibitors of PI3Kδ Synthesis and Screening by In Situ Interaction Upgradation

Bo Yuan, Yifan Feng, Mengyan Ma, Weiming Duan, Yujie Wu, Jiaxin Liu, Hong-Yi Zhao, Zhe Yang, San-Qi Zhang, and Minhang Xin Journal of Medici...