Thursday, November 11, 2021

Mechanism-Based and Computational-Driven Covalent Drug Design [@lyna_yunluo]

Yun Lyna Luo

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2021
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jcim.1c01278

Covalent drugs offer higher efficacy and longer duration of action than their noncovalent counterparts. Significant advances in computational methods for modeling covalent drugs are poised to shift the paradigm of small molecule therapeutics within the next decade. This viewpoint discusses the advantages of a two-state model for ranking reversible and irreversible covalent ligands and of more complex models for dissecting reaction mechanisms. The relation between these models highlights the complexity and diversity of covalent drug binding and provides opportunities for mechanism-based rational design.

Morita–Baylis–Hillman Adduct Chemistry as a Tool for the Design of Lysine-Targeted Covalent Ligands

Marco Paolino, Giusy Tassone, Paolo Governa, Mario Saletti, Matteo Lami, Riccardo Carletti, Filippo Sacchetta, Cecilia Pozzi, Maurizio Orlan...