Saturday, October 7, 2023

Covalent fragment approaches targeting non-cysteine residues

Noémi Csorba,Péter Ábrányi-Balogh,György M. Keserű

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2023

Covalent fragment approaches combine advantages of covalent binders and fragment-based drug discovery (FBDD) for target identification and validation. Although early applications focused mostly on cysteine labeling, the chemistries of available warheads that target other orthosteric and allosteric protein nucleophiles has recently been extended. The range of different warheads and labeling chemistries provide unique opportunities for screening and optimizing warheads necessary for targeting non-cysteine residues. In this review, we discuss these recently developed amino-acid-specific and promiscuous warheads, as well as emerging labeling chemistries, which includes novel transition metal catalyzed, photoactive, electroactive, and noncatalytic methodologies. We also highlight recent applications of covalent fragments for the development of molecular glues and proteolysis-targeting chimeras (PROTACs), and their utility in chemical proteomics-based target identification and validation.

Site-Specific Molecular Glues for the 14-3-3/Tau pS214 ProteinProtein Interaction via Reversible Covalent Imine Tethering

DOI Ansgar Oberheide,   Maxime van den Oetelaar,   Jakob Scheele,   Jan Borggräfe,   Semmy Engelen,   Michael Sattler,   Christian Ottmann, ...