Friday, November 22, 2024

Covalent Targeting of Histidine Residues with Aryl Fluorosulfates: Application to Mcl-1 BH3 Mimetics

Giulia Alboreggia, Parima Udompholkul, Emma L. Atienza, Kendall Muzzarelli, Zahra Assar, and Maurizio Pellecchia

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2024

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jmedchem.4c01541

Covalent drugs provide pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic advantages over reversible agents. However, covalent strategies have been developed mostly to target cysteine (Cys) residues, which are rarely found in binding sites. Among other nucleophilic residues that could be in principle used for the design of covalent drugs, histidine (His) has not been given proper attention despite being in principle an attractive residue to pursue but underexplored. Aryl fluorosulfates, a mild electrophile that is very stable in biological media, have been recently identified as possible electrophiles to react with the side chains of Lys; however, limited studies are available on aryl fluorosulfates’ ability to target His residues. We demonstrate that proper incorporation of an aryl fluorosulfate juxtaposing the electrophile with a His residue can be used to afford rapid optimizations of His-covalent agents. As an application, we report on His-covalent BH3 mimetics targeting His224 of Mcl-1.

Site-specific activation of the proton pumpinhibitor rabeprazole by tetrathiolate zinccentres

Teresa Marker, Raphael R. Steimbach, Cecilia Perez-Borrajero, Marcin Luzarowski, Eric Hartmann, Sibylle Schleich, Daniel Pastor-Flores, Elis...