Thursday, January 19, 2017

Covalent Modulators of the Vacuolar ATPase

Covalent Modulators of the Vacuolar ATPase

Ying-Chu Chen, Keriann M. Backus, Maria Merkulova, Christina Yang, Dennis Brown, Benjamin F. Cravatt, and Chao Zhang
J. Am. Chem. Soc.2017139 (2), pp 639–642

Site-specific activation of the proton pumpinhibitor rabeprazole by tetrathiolate zinccentres

Teresa Marker, Raphael R. Steimbach, Cecilia Perez-Borrajero, Marcin Luzarowski, Eric Hartmann, Sibylle Schleich, Daniel Pastor-Flores, Elis...