Thursday, February 1, 2024

Location-agnostic site-specific protein bioconjugation via Baylis Hillman adducts

Mir, M.H., Parmar, S., Singh, C. et al.

 Nat Commun 15, 859 (2024).

Proteins labelled site-specifically with small molecules are valuable assets for chemical biology and drug development. The unique reactivity profile of the 1,2-aminothiol moiety of N-terminal cysteines (N-Cys) of proteins renders it highly attractive for regioselective protein labelling. Herein, we report an ultrafast Z-selective reaction between isatin-derived Baylis Hillman adducts and 1,2-aminothiols to form a bis-heterocyclic scaffold, and employ it for stable protein bioconjugation under both in vitro and live-cell conditions. We refer to our protein bioconjugation technology as Baylis Hillman orchestrated protein aminothiol labelling (BHoPAL). Furthermore, we report a lipoic acid ligase-based technology for introducing the 1,2-aminothiol moiety at any desired site within proteins, rendering BHoPAL location-agnostic (not limited to N-Cys). By using this approach in tandem with BHoPAL, we generate dually labelled protein bioconjugates appended with different labels at two distinct specific sites on a single protein molecule. Taken together, the protein bioconjugation toolkit that we disclose herein will contribute towards the generation of both mono and multi-labelled protein-small molecule bioconjugates for applications as diverse as biophysical assays, cellular imaging, and the production of therapeutic protein–drug conjugates. In addition to protein bioconjugation, the bis-heterocyclic scaffold we report herein will find applications in synthetic and medicinal chemistry.

Structural Basis for Substrate Binding, Catalysis and Inhibition of Breast Cancer Target Mitochondrial Creatine Kinase by Covalent Inhibitor via Cryo-EM

Merve Demir,*, Laura Koepping, Ya Li, Lynn Fujimoto, Andrey Bobkov, Jianhua Zhao,  Taro Hitosugi, Eduard Sergienko Structure, 2024 https://d...